Current Issue : October-December Volume : 2024 Issue Number : 4 Articles : 10 Articles
Education is the process of exchange of ideas, the outcome of which is maximizing the potential of individuals, according to the needs and demands of society, of which he is an integral part. Study habits are at the core of academic success. The objectives of this study are to assess the study habits, learning styles, academic performance among nursing students and the association between study habits among nursing students with selected socio demographic variables. A descriptive research design and the quantitative research approach were used for this study. Samples of one hundred and twenty nursing students were selected using purposive sampling technique. The study habits of nursing students were assessed using the socio demographic variables, Learning Styles Inventory, Academic performance and association between study habits and selected socio Demographic variables using Modified Trait and Entwistle Learning Approach Inventory. The present study revealed that 71 (59.17%) students are visual learners, 29 (24.17%) are auditory, 9 (7.5%) are kinesthetic 5 (4.16%) are visual and auditory and 6 (5%) students are visual and kinesthetic learners. According to the distribution of academic performance among nursing students, the academic performance show that 6 (5%) of students got distinction, 93 (77.5%) of students got first class, 7 (5.9%) of students got second class and 14 (11.6%) of students had failure. Chi square analysis showed that there was a significant association in most common distractions while studying (2=0) and there was no significant association between selected demographic variables....
The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of information education and communication (IEC) on knowledge regarding healthy lifestyles among adolescents in a selected Nursing College at Kollam District. The objectives of the study were to assess the knowledge score regarding healthy lifestyles among adolescents in a selected Nursing College at Kollam District, to evaluate the effectiveness of Information Education and Communication (IEC) on knowledge regarding healthy lifestyles among adolescents and to find out the association between the pre-test knowledge score regarding healthy lifestyle with socio-demographic variables in a selected nursing college at Kollam District. A quantitative research approach was employed for the research study. The study was undertaken with 60 students by using convenient sampling technique. The tool was developed and the content validity and reliability of the tool were assessed. The research design was one group pretest post-test design. Structured knowledge questionnaire was used for collecting data. Pre-test was administered followed by Information, Education and Communication programme and post-test was done. The result showed that average scores of knowledge before and after the IEC programme in the subjects were 8.21 and 11.62 respectively. The computed ‘t' value of knowledge regarding effectiveness of Information Education and Communication (IEC) on knowledge regarding healthy lifestyles was 7.81. with ‘p' value of 0.0001 and it was significant at 0.05 level (p<0.05). The finding showed that there was a significant improvement in the post test knowledge level of first semester nursing students....
The present study was aimed to identify the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on knowledge regarding De-Quervain's syndrome among 100 young adults of selected college at Kottiyam. Pre experimental one group pretest - posttest design was used in the study. 100 young adults were selected by convenient sampling. The collected data were analyzed with inferential and descriptive statistics. The study revealed that out of 100 subjects, 99% have no previous knowledge and 1% has previous knowledge regarding De-Quervain's syndrome in pretest. 100% subjects had good knowledge regarding De-Quervain's syndrome in posttest The computed "t value of knowledge regarding De-Quervain's syndrome was 28.68 with p value of 0.0001. Since calculated p value of knowledge regarding De-Quervain's syndrome was less than 0.05, above mentioned increase in the scores of knowledge regarding De-Quervain's syndrome among young adults as a result of Structured Teaching Programme is statistically significant at 0.05 levels. So research hypothesis (H1) is accepted....
The present study assessed the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding family planning methods among the mothers in rural area at Kollam district. The objectives were to assess the knowledge regarding family planning methods among mothers, evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding family planning methods among the mothers, find the association between pretest knowledge regarding family planning methods and selected socio demographic variables among the mothers. The study was based on Pender’s Health Promotion model. Pre experimental one group pretest - posttest design was used in the study. 50 mothers in Urukunnu, Kollam were selected by convenient sampling. Pretest was done to assess the knowledge regarding family planning methods among the mothers using structured knowledge questionnaire. After the pretest the investigator administered structured teaching programme. Seven days after the intervention posttest was conducted using the same tool. The collected data were analyzed with inferential and descriptive statistics. The finding showed that 18 (36%) of mother had poor knowledge and 32 (64%) had average knowledge in the pretest. There was significant difference in the knowledge (t = 17.153) after the intervention. There is statistically significant association of knowledge regarding family planning methods among the mothers with age and types of family (p<0.05). Thus the findings suggested that structured teaching programme was effective in improving knowledge regarding family planning methods among the mothers....
The quantitative study was aimed to identify the effectiveness of structure teaching program on knowledge regarding Assertive communication and its benefits in Nurse patient relationship among nursing students in a selected Nursing college at Kollam district. The objectives of the study were to assess the knowledge regarding Assertive communication and its benefits in Nurse patient relationship among Nursing students in a selected Nursing college at Kollam district, to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding assertive communication, to find the association between pretest knowledge score regarding assertive communication and its benefits in Nurse patient relationship among Nursing students in a selected Nursing college at Kollam district. Purposive sampling technique was used. The research design was one group pretest posttest design. Structured knowledge questionnaire was used for collecting data. Pretest was administered followed by Structured Teaching Programme and posttest was done. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study findings show that in the pretest out of 45 subjects, 38% students had poor knowledge scores and 62% had average knowledge score in the pretest. After the structured teaching programme 2% students had poor knowledge scores, 33% had average knowledge score and 65% had good knowledge score regarding assertive communication. The computed "t' value of knowledge regarding assertive communication was 15.932 with 'p' value of 0.0001 The calculated 'p' value (0.0001) of knowledge regarding assertive communication and its benefits was less than 0.05, above mentioned that increasing in the score of knowledge regarding assertive communication and its benefits in nurse patient relationship as result of structured teaching programme is statistically significant at 0.05 level so null hypothesis (H01) is rejected and research hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Hence it can be concluded that there is significant difference in the knowledge level of nursing students regarding assertive communication in Nurse patient relationship....
The quantitative study was aimed to evaluate the knowledge regarding benefits of Amrutham Nutrimix among the Mothers of under five children in a selected rural area, to evaluate the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on knowledge regarding benefits of Amrutham Nutrimix among the Mothers of under five children in a selected rural area and to find out the association between present knowledge regarding benefits of Amrutham Nutrimix among the Mothers of under five children with selected socio demographic variables. A quantitative research approach employed for the research study. The study was undertaken among 50 selected by purposive sampling technique. The research design was one group pretest posttest sample design. Structured knowledge questionnaire was used for collecting data. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on benefits of Amrutham Nutrimix among Mothers of under five children, the average scores of knowledge before and after Structured Teaching Programme in the subjects were 7.9 and 15.8 respectively. The calculated paired "t' value for the pretest and posttest score is 18.95 with p value of 0.0001 and if was significant 0.05 level (p<0.05). Hence this indicates that the Structured Teaching Programme was effective in improving the knowledge of Mothers of under five children regarding benefits of Amrutham Nutrimix in a selected rural area....
The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding ICDS programme among mothers of under five children in a selected hospital. The objectives of the study were to assess the knowledge score regarding ICDS program among Mothers of under five children in selected hospital, to evaluate effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program on knowledge regarding ICDS program, to find the association between pretest knowledge scores regarding ICDS program among Mothers of under five children n selected hospital. Purposive sampling technique was used. The research design was one group pretest post test design. Structured Knowledge questionnaire was used for collecting data. Pretest was administered followed by Structured Teaching Program and post test was done. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study findings show that in the pretest out of 50 subjects, 70% mother had poor knowledge scores, 30% of mother had average knowledge score in the pretest. After the structured teaching programme 36% mother had average knowledge scores and 64% had good knowledge score regarding ICDS programme. The computed 't' value of knowledge regarding ICDS programme was 14.20 with 'p' value of 0.00001. The calculated 't' value is higher than calculated 't' value at 0.05 level of significance. So the hypothesis (H1) was accepted. Hence it can be concluded that there is significant difference in the knowledge level of Mothers of under five children regarding ICDS program....
The aim of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on knowledge regarding Substance abuse among Young adults in a selected College of Nursing at Kollam district. The objectives of the study were to assess the knowledge regarding Substance Abuse, to evaluate the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on knowledge regarding Substance Abuse and to find out the association between pretest knowledge scores with the socio demographic variables. A quantitative research approach was employed for the research study. The study was undertaken with 63 subjects by using Convenience sampling technique. The tool was developed and the content validity and reliability of the tool were assessed. The research design was one group pretest posttest design. Structured Knowledge Questionnaire was used for collecting data. Pretest was administered followed by structured teaching programme and posttest was done. The result showed that average scores of knowledge before and after Structured Teaching Program in the subjects were 10.28 and 15.25 respectively. The computed 't' value of knowledge regarding Substance abuse was 15.86 with p value of 0.0001 and it was significant at 0.05 level (p<0.05). The findings showed that there was a significant improvement in the posttest knowledge level of first semester nursing students....
A quantitative research study was aimed to assess knowledge regarding nursing students among 50 students. To evaluate the knowledge regarding vitamin D deficiency among adolescent girls in a selected nursing students at Kollam district and to find out the association between pretest knowledge regarding vitamin D deficiency among adolescent girls with selected socio demographic variables. A quantitative research approach employed for the research study. The study was undertaken among 50 samples selected by purposive sampling technique. The research design was one group pre-test post-test design. Structured knowledge questionnaire was used for collecting data. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding vitamin D deficiency among adolescent girls, the average scores of knowledge before and after Structured Teaching Programme in the subjects were 7.64 and 12.22 respectively. The calculated paired 't' value for the pre-test and post-test score is 11.97 with p value of 0.0001 and it was significant 0.05 level (p<0.05). Hence this indicates that the Structured Teaching Programme was effective in improving the knowledge of adolescent girls regarding vitamin D deficiency in a selected nursing....
Menstruation or menses is the natural bodily process of releasing blood and associated matter from the uterus through the vagina as part of the menstrual cycle. Menstrual hygiene refers to management of hygiene associated with the menstrual process. Objective of research was To assess the knowledge scores regarding Menstrual hygiene among young adult girls, to evaluate the effectiveness of Structured Teaching programme on knowledge scores regarding Menstrual hygiene among young adult girls and to find out the association between pretest knowledge scores regarding Menstrual Hygiene and selected socio demographic variables. A quantitative research approach was employed for the research study. Study was undertaken among 45 samples selected by purposive sampling technique. The research design was one group pretest posttest design. Structured knowledge questionnaire was used for collecting data. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme in the subject was 15.22 and 18.71 respectively. The calculated paired ‘t’ value for the pretest and post. Test score is 12.541 with p value of 0.00001 and if was significant at 0.05 level (p<0.05). Hence this indicates that the Structured Teaching Programme was effective in improving the knowledge of Young adult girls in second semester B.Sc. Nursing students regarding Menstrual Hygiene (WASH)....